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Aphinya Dechalert

Understanding JavaScript Composite Patterns

A composite pattern deals with the complexity of how objects are related to one another. According to the original definition, [a composite pattern] allows you to compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) But what does this...

Aphinya Dechalert

Understanding JavaScript Decorator Patterns

The decorator pattern works by extending an object’s behavior without changing the original object itself. What exactly does this mean? Imagine that you’ve just bought yourself a new phone. However, carrying the phone around in its current form feels risky. What if you drop it? What if it...

Aphinya Dechalert

How Object.defineProperty() Works

At some point, you might have encountered Object.defineProperty() in someone’s code. It might be through an Angular, React, or Vue project. However, Object.defineProperty() isn’t actually specific to any of the listed framework/library. It’s actually part of vanilla JavaScript. Vanilla JavaScript is the foundation of...

Aphinya Dechalert

The Ultimate Visual Guide to CSS Selectors

At some point in your software engineering career, you’re going to encounter CSS. On a technicality, it’s not actually a language — but the rules and how it’s structured can be as complicated. There are discussions and community initiatives around clean CSS as much as there is chatter...

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