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Aphinya Dechalert
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Aphinya Dechalert

Every Python List Method Explained Simply

A list is a data type in Python that lets you store linear data. Each item is stored with a numerical index attached to it so that it becomes easily accessible later. A Python list is defined as comma-separated items inside a pair of (). Here's a quick recap:...

Aphinya Dechalert

Every Python Dictionary Method Explained Simply

Here is a quick recap of how dictionaries work. * written with {} * changeable, unordered, indexed * comes with key-pair values & no duplicates * looks something like this: pythondictionary = {1: 'python', 2: 'data science', 'third': 'JavaScript'} Here is every Python Dictionary method available. Combining dictionaries...

Aphinya Dechalert

How Python Replaced Java As The Starter Language

From Bootcamps to College Classes — Python is everywhere Back in the early 2010s, Java was the ‘in vogue’ thing that everyone learned as their first starter programming language. If not, then it’s one of the C families. Somewhere during the 10 years in between, Python took over and became...

Aphinya Dechalert

Using format() in Python with placeholder values

In Python, you can use {} as placeholders for strings and use format() to fill in the placeholder with string literals. For example: print("You have {} apples.".format(5)) # this will print: # You have 5 apples. The format() method lets you list out the strings you want to place...

Aphinya Dechalert

Python Collections & Specialized Collection Data Types

Crash Course Into Python Part 2 [Click here for Part 1] [https://www.dottedsquirrel.com/python-datatypes/] What Are Collections In Python? Collections in Python are basically container data types — namely, lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries. They have different characteristics based on usage. Here is a quick summary of what each...

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