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Aphinya Dechalert
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Aphinya Dechalert

Not All Developers Are Basement Dwellers

Once upon a time, about a decade or two ago, anyone that did ‘things’ with computers was labeled as nerds. They were the folks that spent a good majority of their time hidden away from the public eye. No one really knew what these ‘computer guys’ were up to — nor...

Aphinya Dechalert

What You Need Before Learning React

The Internet is a lot of things. It’s a teacher. It’s a resource. It’s a seemingly infinite and unstructured pool of knowledge and information. It is also the space where React-based apps exist and thrives. The little frontend library has taken the Internet by storm and is...

Aphinya Dechalert

Do Dev Careers Really Die At 35?

Where are all the elderly developers? Where did they all go? It’s not like they just disappeared into another realm…or did they? How did we arrive at these questions? Why does it matter? and do dev careers really start to die when you turn 35?

Aphinya Dechalert

Thinking In React: A Design First Approach

How React is making UI the center-piece of frontend development For a non-designer, thinking in visual components can be a strange process — especially if you’re new to React, or are just moving into frontend development. Our main modes of operations tend to sit at the logical layer, where business...

Aphinya Dechalert

Is React Really That Great?

Digging into the library that’s taking over the frontend development scene As I start my 8-week #buildinpublic challenge [https://twitter.com/dottedSquirrel/status/1419804203002728453], I find myself back on the React gravy train. React as a library has exploded and taken over the Internet, especially in the frontend space....

Aphinya Dechalert

React Components, Classes & Lifecycle Methods Simplified

Learning React isn’t hard — but sometimes you still need that reference sheet training wheel to help you along until you get the hang of balancing yourself on the code. Here is a quick summary/notes on React components and classes. In short — basically, everything you sort of need to...

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