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Aphinya Dechalert
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Aphinya Dechalert

Bad JavaScript Practices That’s Letting Your Code Down

We’ve all done it — but the question is, are you still coding it? JavaScript is easy — especially if you’ve already got programming knowledge and experience through another language. Many newbies and veteran developers encounter JavaScript out of necessity. A good portion of the Internet runs on some form...

Aphinya Dechalert

7 VS Code shorthand to code faster

Shortcuts can make or break a developer’s productivity. It also turns out that Visual Studio Code comes with a pre-baked shorthand that lets you print out HTML code templates. This feature is mostly unknown to many beginner (and even veteran) users of VS Code. This is partly because we...

Aphinya Dechalert

How old is too old to learn code?

Maybe it’s subjective filtering but everyone seems to be coding nowadays. You’ve got kids learning to code in school and the older folks celebrating their wins on Twitter and LinkedIn. There are learn-to-code books for babies, tweens, teens, adult learners, hobbyists, and tinkerers. There are games, learning guides,...

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